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Showing posts from January 20, 2017

Why I March

I am marching to protect women's rights and bodily sovereignty. I am marching to reaffirm that women's rights are human rights. I am marching for women's financial empowerment. I am marching because we haven't had a woman president yet, because the ERA hasn't been passed, because we are judged more and paid less than men with the same knowledge and skill set, and because on top of that more and more having the choice of having and raising our own children has become a struggle or a privilege of the upper class. I am marching because although women constitute the majority of the population and are the gateway into the world to everybody, we are still considered a minority in terms of rights. I am marching because I see critical connections between the domination of nature and the exploitation of women. I am marching because the president-elect, the person now in the highest public office, has bragged about sexually assaulting women, contributing to the perpetuati

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