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Showing posts from November 9, 2012

You Win Some

I am so proud of the majority of Americans for making the best choice of presidential candidate. After all, we live in a DEMOCRACY not a racist, elitist, women oppressing dictatorship, monarchy, or fascist country where opportunity is only for the privileged men that make over $434,682 in adjusted gross income a year or own big corporations. Who did you think you were fooling Romney? Thousands of  UCB students watching the election anxiously waiting for Obama to win       I'm disappointed, however, on the majority of Californians who voted against their health, the health of the environment, their right to know, and pro irresponsible corporations who don't want to be transparent with their consumers because they just want their money and could care less about their health or the environment. News about Proposition 37's opposition propaganda people: 1) A label was not going to cost anyone anything, companies already have to label, except that under current labelin

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