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Showing posts from January 27, 2012

The Meat Debate

There are many valid reasons to want to become a vegetarian or a vegan. Most of us know by now of the inhumane treatment of animals in the meat industry and the troubles with full-scale industrialized factory farming, which allows diseases to spread quickly as animals are raised in close confinement, and which has given rise to epidemics of meat-borne illnesses. Factory farmed animals are also the most medicated creatures on Earth–– from hormones to anti-microbial drugs to increase factory farm growth rates, you name it. And lets not forget all the other illnesses linked to meat over consumption, like heart diseases, obesity, hypertension, colon and other cancers, high cholesterol levels, varicose veins etc. [1] Even with all those reasons against meat consumption, the truth is that there are nutrients necessary to proper human growth, especially of the brain, such as vitamin B12, biotin etc., which you can mostly get from animal products, or some herbs and sea vegetables that a

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