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Showing posts from November 4, 2011

Why Occupy?

Everyone probably knows by now about the nationwide spread and worldwide support of the Occupy Wall Street movement that is demanding that our government and our economy work for all of us, not just our country’s wealthiest one percent businesses and people. Some of you might be thinking, "I'm well off, so the system is working just fine for me." Well, while researching to see where I fit-in in this picture, I gathered some facts that reveal the importance of a movement like Occupy, as well as enough reasons to justify why our current system is not working for anyone (not even the one percent irresponsibly getting gluttonously wealthier at everyone else's expense), why you ARE part of the ninety-nine percent, and why you should support this movement or be independently active for change. How the one percent is being irresponsible and putting our health at risk to make a quick buck We've now come to understand that the decisions that caused the USA's fore

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