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Showing posts from September 4, 2011

A Walk in the Wild: Continuing John Muir's Journey

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. " – John Muir   Went to the John Muir exhibit at the Oakland Museum of California this morning. Because I already knew a lot about Muir and have visited Yosemite, Muir Woods and the Sierras, I was in and out in an hour or so. But if you don't know much about the conservationist or haven't visited the landmarks he explored and helped save, you could wonder around the exhibit for a long time, as there is plenty to read and watch, as well as installations that will engage all your senses. There are a few installations mimicking nature, like a sequoia tree,  a waterfall, glaciers; and a replica of John Muir's cabin in Yosemite. There are also dioramas; dessicated animals; Muir's collection of dried plants identified by botanists and other visual botanical studies; cases with Muir's journals filled with his notes and sketches, and the gadgets he used to exam

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