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Showing posts from October 31, 2011

The Politics of Paper Quilts Yogaween

Saturday I went to my first Yoga class in a little over a year, ever since I fractured my left rib cage with a combination of lifting heavy boxes of books moving to my current flat and attempting an Eka Pada Sirsasana. When I got there, eerily enough, the instructor teaching the class here in Berkeley was the same with whom I had taken that last class over a year ago in Oakland. His name is Ira Israel, and he just launched a Yoga for Anxiety DVD and was sweet enough to gift me a copy. So I wrote this little review on Amazon: "This morning I took a Yoga class with Ira Israel, and I have to say that he demonstrates, not only a mastery of the physical and spiritual aspects of the practice of Yoga, but also a responsibility for teaching techniques/poses properly for the greatest physical and mental advantage of them. I recommend this DVD, as well as taking a class with him if you can. One thing I should say is, pay attention and follow his instructions properly, listen to your bod

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