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Showing posts from October 19, 2012

Vote for the Dinner Party: 2012 Will be The Year that the Food Movement Finally Enters Politics

Hello dearest readers of my humble blog. I have so much to say. These past couple of weeks have been filled with hopeful excitement and an array of creative, cultural and political activities that I can't wait to share with all when I get the chance. While I get to it, I'll take some time to share one of my pursuits because it is time sensitive, requires the immediate action of voters in California, and it's very important. Aside my work, class, and creative side projects, I've also been volunteering for a political effort call The Right to Know which is of top-notch importance in the United States, but that increasingly indirectly has also affected — and will continue to affect if nothing is done about it — the rest of the world. My professor and mentor Michael Pollan wrote the article I'll share bellow for the Times that gives a general explanation of the Food Movement and why the labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms California's Propositi

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