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Showing posts from January 16, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

The new Wes Anderson previews are hilarious! Check-out the casting too. I'm going to die laughing over here. I hope before I die I meet Mr. Wes and he lets me star in one of his films, AND Mike Mills (whom I have a film maker crush since watching Beginners). So excited for Moonrise Kingdom to come out! Update6-8-12: Saw Moonrise Kingdom at the California theater here in Berkeley three blocks from my house! I'm so lucky to live so close to two of my favorite film venues, including the Film Archives! Anyway, I'll expand on my thoughts later on a new blog post, but for now I have to say that Anderson never disappoints– the movie is as artful as everyone should expect. Even the books characters read during the film were specially illustrated for the film. Aside the hilarious plot, this film is all about the details: the costumes, the sets, getting to see serious actors in hilarious rolls...   If you are not able to see beyond obvious and can't appreciate artful detail

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