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Showing posts from August 23, 2011

Hello Tomorrow

"Have a good time saving the world. Otherwise, you are just going to depress yourself." - David Brower Reuben Margolin sculpture Kymberlee Koym-Murteira. Night Scrubber sculpture exposing the toxicity of the ingredients of the products at her local 99¢ store. Michael Kerbow. The Refinement of the Decline. A giant machine is built to clean up the environment. But as it functions, it pollutes, causing as much harm as good. Do we tend to solve our problems with solutions that ultimately create new problems? Had a great day enjoying the sun outdoors. Before heading to San Francisco went to  Cancún  for lunch, and on my way out noticed a Reuben Margolin sculpture at the Hazel Wolf Gallery. Was also given a tour of the David Brower Center facilities for non profits. If your non-profit needs a place to gather in Berkeley, this is the place. They have a really nice theater and various conference rooms available for the use of non-profit organizations. It's also locat

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